Monday, June 22, 2009

Tying his own shoes...and now this!

Levi lost his first tooth tonight, on his daddy's birthday.

We both had no idea this was going to happen, and it came as much of a surprise to him as it did me. He pushed it out with his tongue and there you go: a reason for the Tooth Fairy to visit!

Now, normally this kid would begin weeping and wailing at the site of the few drops of blood that came out. But not this time; he was just too excited, and had to call all the relatives to let them know he "losed" a tooth.

Seems like yesterday that we rejoiced at the arrival of that little tooth.

And now we rejoice that it has moved on, making way for a bigger one.

I guess that's what parents do: rejoice with our kids, no matter how small the accomplishment.

It's all big stuff to me.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to cry. He is growing up way too fast.
