Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Promise

Ten years ago you gave a promise that at this anniversary, you'd upgrade my diamond into something bigger and better. And ten years ago, that sounded sweet and wonderful. What girl, after all, doesn't want bigger diamonds, right?

At that time, you also promised something else.

You promised to love.

To have.

To hold.


And since those promises, life has happened.

We had him.

Then this one.

And then--surprise--this one came along.

Three grand jewels for my heart.

And through these ten years, you loved.

You kept.

You held.

In good times and in the not so good.

So while a well-meaning promise of bigger and better has to be put on hold, thank you for fulfilling the only promise that's really been important to me. Despite the marketing hype and my undying love of the bling, diamonds aren't my best friend.

You are.

P.S. The substitute IS pretty awesome though :)

Love you forever....